Adding Searching Functionality In Node

In this article we see how we can enable the searching of data from server in our node application.

Setup The Folder
 a) Make a new folder using command prompt.Type the following command.
  • mkdir search
b) change to the new folder
  • cd search
Setup Node In Folder
For setting up node we type the following command
  • npm init -y
it will initialize the node in our project.
And we get a package.json file in our folder.
Which  means node is initialized in our folder.

Install Packages
Now we install the packages which will be required for building the application.
  • npm install express ejs body-parser mongoose.

Add New Folder
  • models
  • views
  1. models - this will contain our schema of collections(table).
  2. views - will contain the ejs pages.
Add new file in folder name it data.js

Add 2 folders

In partial folder add 2 new files header.ejs and footer.ejs


In pages add home.ejs file.


Add New File
Add new file name it app.js.
This Will be the entry point of our application

for more "$regex" usage see this link


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